How do I print?
Add funds to your my print center account.
Adding funds to your print account (in person)
- Add cash funds at the add-value station located behind the Technology Desk inside the library. You can also find these machines at the Academic Computing Center, the Learning Center and the Student Business Office.
Add funds to your online printing account
- Add funds using credit/debit on the My Print Center website. You will need to log-in to your account using your the first 5 letters and numbers of your student email.
- Printing costs $0.08 per page for black and white and $0.50 per page for color.
Send your document to print
- Send your document to print (File->Print)
- Set the printer to "SAC_BW" for black and white prints or "SAC_Color" for color prints and click "Print"
- Enter your self-service username into the first dialogue box that appears
- Click "Yes" on the next box to accept the displayed charges
- Go to the printers, swipe your student ID card or input your self-service username and password on the printer keypad
Contact the library
Contact the library for more information.